National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs

National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday National Assembly deputies questioned Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Thai Binh about civil service downsizing plans, redundant deputy heads in state organizations, and recruiting talented people to...
Four ministers respond to NA question time

Four ministers respond to NA question time

(VOVworld) –Four cabinet members will be queried about pressing issues of voter concern at a two-and-a-half-day Q-and-A session conducted by the National Assembly, starting...
ASEAN-China: Once trust has been lost

ASEAN-China: Once trust has been lost

(VOVworld) – China’s illegal placement of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf prior to the 24th ASEAN Summit and Asia Security Dialogue in Shangri-La...
African Union marks 50 years of founding

African Union marks 50 years of founding

African leaders on Saturday commemorated 50 years since the founding of a continental organization that would become the modern African Union. At AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, the organization’s...
Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

(VOVworld)- Following a rare move to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula by moving its mid-range missiles from the East Coast, Pyongyang on Wednesday continued deploying Scud and Rodong missiles...