US calls on Greece, EU to compromise

US calls on Greece, EU to compromise

(VOVworld) - The White House urged Greece and EU leaders on Monday to find a compromise to keep Greece in the eurozone, after Greeks voted resoundingly to reject the austerity-based bailout....
Greek voters reject austerity measures

Greek voters reject austerity measures

(VOVworld) – 61.31 % of Greek voters rejected accepting austerity measures in exchange for an international bailout, according to official results of the Sunday’s referendum
Oil prices slump on US oil report

Oil prices slump on US oil report

(VOVworld) - Crude oil prices have fallen sharply in the US and world market due to investors’ concern about possible decision made at the meeting of the Organization of the Petroleum...
Greece on the verge of bankruptcy

Greece on the verge of bankruptcy

(VOVworld)- Greece’s central government has run out of money to pay debts now falling due. Meanwhile, negotiations for an aid package from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank...
Europeans protest TTIP agreement

Europeans protest TTIP agreement

(VOVworld) – Officials from the EU and the US resumed talks on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in New York on Monday
Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

Yemen rejects Iran’s peace plan

(VOVworld)- Yemen's government has rejected a four-point peace plan for the country that Iran submitted to the United Nations, a spokesman said on Saturday
David Cameron calls for constitutional reform

David Cameron calls for constitutional reform

(VOVworld)- British Prime Minister David Cameron said it was time for more voices to be heard in the wake of Scotland's historic decision to reject independence. He said work would start...