North Korea launches ballistic missile

North Korea launches ballistic missile

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday according to South Korea’s Yonhap news agency, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said North Korea launched a ballistic missile into eastern waters from its western...
IAEA worried about DPRK’s nuclear program

IAEA worried about DPRK’s nuclear program

(VOVworld) - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Head Yukiya Amano said Monday that he is seriously concerned about the nuclear program of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
DPRK fires short-range missiles

DPRK fires short-range missiles

(VOVworld)- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired two short-range missiles, assumed to be Scud missiles, into its eastern waters Monday, said a South Korean Defense Ministry...
 Japan opposes DPRK’s latest missile launch

Japan opposes DPRK’s latest missile launch

(VOVworld) - Japan has voiced its opposition to the latest missile launch of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on Saturday, saying this move of Pyongyang has seriously violated...
DPRK fired 2 missiles to sea

DPRK fired 2 missiles to sea

(VOVworld) – North Korea on Wednesday launched 2 missiles, possibly short-range ballistic Scud missiles, into its eastern sea
DPRK launches missiles into sea

DPRK launches missiles into sea

(VOVworld)- The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched two short range missiles into the sea off its eastern coast on Monday
DPRK launches 4 short-range missiles

DPRK launches 4 short-range missiles

(VOVworld) - The Chinese Xinhua news agency quoted the South Korean Defense Ministry as saying that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fired four short-range missiles on Thursday
Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

Peace on Korean peninsula remains a question

(VOVworld)- Following a rare move to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula by moving its mid-range missiles from the East Coast, Pyongyang on Wednesday continued deploying Scud and Rodong missiles...