COVID-19 cases pass 204.7 million globally

COVID-19 cases pass 204.7 million globally

(VOVWORLD) - According to, as of Wednesday morning, the world had recorded more than 204.7 million cases of COVID-19, with more than 4.3 million deaths


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G20 warns of threats to global recovery

(VOVWORLD) - An upsurge in new coronavirus variants and poor access to vaccines in developing countries threaten the global economic recovery, finance ministers of the world’s 20 largest economies warned...
US pursues diplomatic solutions on North Korea

US pursues diplomatic solutions on North Korea

(VOVWORLD) - A US State Department spokesperson said on Wednesday that the US is open to diplomatic solutions to reduce threats from North Korea and secure peace on the Korean peninsula
New US nuke envoy arrives in Seoul

New US nuke envoy arrives in Seoul

(VOVWORLD) -The new US special representative for North Korea, Sung Kim, arrived in Seoul on Saturday for talks with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts, as they seek a coordinated...