Iran not invited to Geneva II peace conference

Iran not invited to Geneva II peace conference

(VOVworld)- The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday started sending out invitations to the planned Geneva II peace conference on Syria. However, UN spokesman Farhan Haq has confirmed...
Cambodia: CNRP suspends negotiations with CPP

Cambodia: CNRP suspends negotiations with CPP

(VOV) – The Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) on Thursday decided to postpone talks scheduled for Friday on its ongoing political row with the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). The...
Brazil has no plan to grant asylum to Snowden

Brazil has no plan to grant asylum to Snowden

(VOVworld) – Brazil has no plans to grant asylum to Edward Snowden even after the former employee of the US Central Intelligence Agency offered to help investigate the US’s spying...
US urges China to stop ADIZ

US urges China to stop ADIZ

(VOVworld) – The US has urged China to stop implementing its Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over the East China Sea, saying its unilateral act was fueling the tension in North...
Thai military comments on political instability

Thai military comments on political instability

(VOVworld) - Surachart Jitjaeng, spokesman of the Thai Defense Ministry’s Public Relations and Information Office, on Friday called for all sides to put an end to the widening and deepening...
Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

(VOVworld) – Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group, including the UK, the US, France, Russia, and China plus Germany, in Geneva were seen as detailed, serious, and constructive, although...
West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group (including 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) will consider limited pullback of sanctions on Iran in exchange for clear evidence that Tehran...
DPRK will not dismantle its nuclear arms alone

DPRK will not dismantle its nuclear arms alone

(VOVworld) - The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said Wednesday it would not unilaterally dismantle its nuclear deterrent unless outside nuclear threats were removed, the official KCNA news agency...