China ratifies RCEP trade deal

China ratifies RCEP trade deal

(VOVWORLD) - The China has officially ratified the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao said on Monday
UKFTA promotes Vietnam-UK bilateral ties

UKFTA promotes Vietnam-UK bilateral ties

(VOVWORLD) - The UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement took effect on December 31, 2020 offering a sharp reduction of taxes. The deal is creating great opportunities for businesses of the two...
China calls for reset in Sino-US relations

China calls for reset in Sino-US relations

(VOVWORLD) - Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on issues like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic if they repaired their...
UK to apply to join CPTPP

UK to apply to join CPTPP

(VOVWORLD) - Britain will apply to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), a massive 11-nation free-trade bloc of Asia-Pacific countries, it announced Saturday