VOV wins three 2023 ABU prizes

VOV wins three 2023 ABU prizes

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam (VOV) was honored with three 2023 Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) prizes at the awards ceremony in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, on Tuesday
World public: Vietnam a bright star in the region

World public: Vietnam a bright star in the region

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is the brightest star in the region, a new Asian tiger, and Vietnam’s economy is recovering quickly and has positive prospects in the medium-term, according to foreign media...
Wednesday July 11, 2018

Wednesday July 11, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -We’re glad to welcome Albert E Ford of England back to VOV’s DX’er community. He told us that he has been a radio enthusiast since the early...
NATO signs accession protocol with Montenegro

NATO signs accession protocol with Montenegro

(VOVworld) – The foreign ministers of 28 NATO members and Montenegro’s Prime Minister Milo Dukanovic signed an accession protocol with Montenegro at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels on Thursday
IAEA: Iran complies with nuclear deal

IAEA: Iran complies with nuclear deal

(VOVworld) - IAEA’s chief Yukiya Amano certified on Saturday that Iran had met the provisions of the nuclear deal signed by Iran and world powers in Vienna last July, a...
NATO faces multiple complex threats

NATO faces multiple complex threats

(VOVworld) - General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, says NATO members must acknowledge that the alliance is facing “multiple complex” threats
Rapping the news wins creativity prize

Rapping the news wins creativity prize

(VOVworld) - Rapping the News of VietnamPlus, an online newspaper of Vietnam News Agency, won the top award in the Digital First category of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers ...
World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

World media support Vietnam’s East Sea stance

(VOVworld) – World media continues to run articles indicating support for Vietnam’s stance and condemning China’s illegal deployment of oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone...
Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiations fail

Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiations fail

(VOVworld) – Negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group, which includes 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, ended on Saturday in Geneva, Switzerland, without any agreement...