Afghanistan to release 400 Taliban prisoners

Afghanistan to release 400 Taliban prisoners

(VOVWORLD) - Afghan President Ashraf Ghani agreed to release hundreds of Taliban prisoners after an Afghan grand assembly known as a Loya Jirga passed a resolution approving the move
US cuts aid to Afghanistan by 1 billion USD

US cuts aid to Afghanistan by 1 billion USD

(VOVWORLD) - The Trump administration is slashing 1 billion USD in assistance to Afghanistan and threatening further reductions in all forms of cooperation after the country's rival leaders failed to...
Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners

Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban prisoners

(VOVWORLD) - The Afghan government will gradually release 5,000 Taliban prisoners starting this week if insurgents significantly reduce their violence, President Ashraf Ghani’s spokesman said Wednesday, paving the way...
US-Taliban peace deal: a tough path to peace

US-Taliban peace deal: a tough path to peace

(VOVWORLD) - The US and Afghanistan’s Taliban signed an agreement the world is hoping will restore peace to Afghanistan after two decades of war. President Donald Trump called it a historic deal...