Vietnam’s coastline needs a new resilience development strategy: WB report

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam should strengthen data and decision-making tools by establishing openly accessible natural disaster databases, as well as asset management systems for critical infrastructure, according to a recent report analyzing natural disasters in Vietnam’s coastal areas and assessing Vietnam’s risk management.

The “Resilient Shores” report, jointly developed by the Vietnamese government, the World Bank, and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery, presented a concrete action plan in five strategic areas that needs to be rolled out immediately. It suggests Vietnam strengthen the resilience of infrastructure systems and public services by upgrading in the most exposed and under-protected areas and updating existing safety standards as well as tapping into the protective functions and economic contributions of ecosystems in a systematic manner. It also said Vietnam should improve disaster preparedness and response by upgrading early warning systems, strengthening local response, improving social safety nets and implementing comprehensive risk financing.

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