Spain arrests terror suspects

Spain arrests terror suspects

(VOVworld) – Spanish police arrested 7 people suspected of having links with international terror groups Al Qaeda and IS
Serbia opposes the halting of Schengen Agreement

Serbia opposes the halting of Schengen Agreement

(VOVworld) – Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Saturday that Serbia is concerned about the worsening developments of the migration crisis for Serbia and other Balkan countries following the establishment...
Latin America promotes integration and unity

Latin America promotes integration and unity

(VOVworld) – Twenty-two state leaders from 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) participated in a summit on Wednesday in Quito, Ecuador to promote...
Belcholat – The taste of Belgium

Belcholat – The taste of Belgium

(VOVworld) - You can travel around the world and ask people what comes to mind when you mention Belgium. In most cases, the answer will be: chocolate – surprisingly or not. But what is it...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A: These days, all of us are eager to welcome the New Year 2016. I really love this exciting atmosphere. VOV has already begun receiving New Year’s greetings from...
San Chi preserve their folk singing

San Chi preserve their folk singing

(VOVworld) – The San Chi’s folk songs nurture their spirits from the time they are were born until they die. Despite social change and influence from other cultures, San Chi...