Vietnam promotes social progress and justice

Vietnam promotes social progress and justice

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam always prioritizes promoting social progress and equity, considering this as a goal, a task, and also a measure to boost sustainable development, Ambassador Mai Phan Dung told the...
Vietnamese peacekeepers receive UN medal

Vietnamese peacekeepers receive UN medal

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese peacekeepers on Monday were honored with the UN Peacekeeping Medal recognizing the efforts of Engineering Team No. 2 and the Working Group at the United Nations Interim Security Force...
Wednesday June 5, 2024

Wednesday June 5, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - This week, VOVWorld received more than 400 emails, letters and phone calls from listeners in 33 countries and territories
PM receives Cambodian Minister of Inspection

PM receives Cambodian Minister of Inspection

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of attaching importance to developing good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability with Cambodia at a...
PM requests accelerated digital transformation

PM requests accelerated digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Monday chaired a conference reviewing one year of implementing the Prime Minister's direction on removing obstacles facing the project on developing resident data,...
Heavy rain leaves three dead in Ha Giang

Heavy rain leaves three dead in Ha Giang

(VOVWORLD) -Continuous heavy rains between Sunday night and Monday morning across the northern province of Ha Giang have killed at least three people and caused substantial property damage
Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

Earthen houses of the Mong ethnic minority

(VOVWORLD) - The earthen-wall houses of the Mong in Si Ma Cai district in the northern province of Lao Cai are a harmonious structure of earthen walls and wooden frames....