Vietnam strengthens fight against corruption

Vietnam strengthens fight against corruption

(VOVWORLD) - Since the 13th National Party Congress, Vietnam's fight against corruption and negativity has achieved several outstanding results, becoming an irreversible trend. Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, who is...
Stronger actions needed to fight corruption

Stronger actions needed to fight corruption

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negativity convened last week. Chaired by Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong, the meeting discussed more resolute and drastic...
 Anti-corruption strengthened to protect institutions

Anti-corruption strengthened to protect institutions

(VOVWORLD) - Since 2012 Vietnam has made strong breakthroughs and recorded important and comprehensive results in corruption prevention and control, which contribute significantly to protecting the ideological foundation of the Communist Party and...
Anti-corruption results consolidate public trust

Anti-corruption results consolidate public trust

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly Committee for Judicial Affairs has convened a plenary session to examine a government report on the fight against corruption this year. The report says progress has...
Vietnam’s concerted effort to fight corruption

Vietnam’s concerted effort to fight corruption

(VOVWORLD) -The Vietnamese Party and government have resolutely directed the fight against corruption. Achieved results have hit back at hostile forces’ attempts to sabotage Vietnam with misinformation
Egypt overturnes Morsi's death sentence

Egypt overturnes Morsi's death sentence

(VOVworld) - An Egypt’s highest court of appeals on Tuesday overturned a death sentence handed down against ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, who was convicted of collusion with foreign...