Wednesday September 10, 2014

Wednesday September 10, 2014

(VOVworld) - First of all, we sincerely thank all listeners for your warm wishes on our 69th founding anniversary last week. Your wishes and sentiment for VOV are a special reward...
Vietnam, Myanmar foster cooperation

Vietnam, Myanmar foster cooperation

(VOVworld) – Myanmar’s Parliamentary Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann began an official visit to Vietnam on Friday at the invitation of National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung. The visit is...
Libya’s caretaker government resigns

Libya’s caretaker government resigns

(VOVworld) – Libya’s caretaker Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thanni and his cabinet resigned on Thursday, paving the way for the formation of a new government following the parliamentary election in...
US blacklists Gaza extremist group

US blacklists Gaza extremist group

(VOVworld) – The US has frozen all property and interests of the Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem and prohibited US citizens from engaging in transactions with the organisation
Libya: Muslim rebels claim control over Benghazi

Libya: Muslim rebels claim control over Benghazi

(VOVworld) – Al-Qaida-linked Muslim insurgents Ansar al-Sharia claimed its control over the entire city of Benghazi in eastern Libya on Wednesday, following 2 days fighting with the Libyan...
Algeria airliner lost contact in African sky

Algeria airliner lost contact in African sky

(VOVworld) - Algeria's national airline, Air Algerie, says it has lost contact with one of its planes flying from Burkina Faso to Algiers across the Sahara. Contact was lost about 50...
Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

(VOVworld) – The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has made the Ukrainian crisis more critical. A missile shooting down the passenger plane, killing 298 people of many nationalities has...