Wednesday July 31, 2013

Wednesday July 31, 2013

(VOVworld)- Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, our weekly feature dedicated to listeners around the world. First of all, we would like to welcome Vincent Kaufmann from Tuscon, UK...
Residential architecture of the Brau

Residential architecture of the Brau

(VOVworld) – Like many ethic minority groups in the Central Highlands, the Brau people attach importance to choosing land for building houses. A Brau village with a Rong communal house surrounded...
A tour of Linh Ung pagoda

A tour of Linh Ung pagoda

(VOVworld)-Da Nang is a beautiful city on the Han river. The city’s charming beauty is blessed by nature and is home to numerous beautiful landscapes and historical relics....
Eurozone risks new crisis

Eurozone risks new crisis

(VOVworld) – The political impasse following Italy’s election has raised fears of a continuous debt crisis not only in Italy but in neighboring countries. The election was seen as...
Ca Mau gears up production

Ca Mau gears up production

(VOVworld) – Companies in the southernmost province of Ca Mau on Tuesday, the 3rd day of Lunar New Year, resume their operations
Thousands march in Cairo in support of Morsi

Thousands march in Cairo in support of Morsi

Thousands of people are demonstrating across Egypt in support of the national’s Islamist president Mohammed Morsi. The Muslim Brotherhood hopes the turnout at these rallies will counteract earlier opposition protests....
Syrian crisis more likely to spill over borders

Syrian crisis more likely to spill over borders

The tension between Syria and Turkey has dramatically increased over the past three days, stoking fears that the Syrian internal crisis would spill over borders, through various ways, to its neighbors...
Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistani officials said Thursday that Pakistan has temporarily suspended the NATO supply route crossing its northwestern border into Afghanistan due to fears of Islamist attacks. An official said the NATO trucks have been held...
Hanoi tourist information

Hanoi tourist information

(VOVworld) – The number of foreign tourists to Hanoi is up 20% so far this year. This encouraging result is partly thanks to city information campaigns. On today’s edition of Discovery...
Russian and France hold different views on the Syria crisis

Russian and France hold different views on the Syria crisis

Russia stood firm in the face of growing international pressure for tougher action over Syria , rejecting military intervention and questioning sanctions as fears of civil war grew. Russian President Vladimir Putin, who met separately...