Wednesday August 27, 2014

Wednesday August 27, 2014

(VOVworld) - Walt Davison of the UK wrote: "I was surprised to discover what a beautiful country Vietnam is, and how many tourism opportunities there are for visitors from other countries....
Opportunity to sustain economic growth

Opportunity to sustain economic growth

(VOVworld)- At the 7th session of the 13th National Assembly, the deputies discussed the government’s socio-economic report for 2013 and the first four months of this year. They...
Wednesday October 16,2013

Wednesday October 16,2013

First of all, we would like to welcome Sven Partzsh of Singapore to our program. Sven sent us a beautiful postcard of Singapore and wrote: “I really enjoyed listening to your program. I...
DPRK confirms cut-off of military hotline with RoK

DPRK confirms cut-off of military hotline with RoK

Pongyang has cut off the last key channel of communication with the Republic of Korea amid high tensions on the Korean peninsula. A DPRK military communications liaison officer notified the RoK of the decision...