NA debates revisions to Penal Code

NA debates revisions to Penal Code

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday the National Assembly discussed amendments to the Penal Code which aim to concretize and create legal foundations for the implementation of the 2013 Constitution and institutionalize...
National Assembly discusses revised Civil Code

National Assembly discusses revised Civil Code

(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies discussed on Wednesday the revised Civil Code, focusing on adjustments to various aspects in social relations closely associated with people’s daily activities and businesses
Building laws based on 2013 Constitution

Building laws based on 2013 Constitution

(VOVworld) – Law building is a key content on the agenda the on-going 9th session of the 13th National Assembly in Hanoi. VOV’s reporter Ngoc Anh looks at legislation...
Vietnam’s top ten events in 2014

Vietnam’s top ten events in 2014

1. National Assembly passes several Laws, Resolutions to specify 2013 Constitution In 2014, the National Assembly adopted 29 Laws to fine-tune the legal system, and institutionalize the 2013 Constitution’s...
National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs

National Assembly questions Minister of Home Affairs

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday National Assembly deputies questioned Minister of Home Affairs Nguyen Thai Binh about civil service downsizing plans, redundant deputy heads in state organizations, and recruiting talented people to...