Greece on the verge of bankruptcy

Greece on the verge of bankruptcy

(VOVworld)- Greece’s central government has run out of money to pay debts now falling due. Meanwhile, negotiations for an aid package from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank...
IMF will not allow Greece to delay its payments

IMF will not allow Greece to delay its payments

(VOVworld)- Christina Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, said Thursday that the IMF will not allow Greece to delay payment of the 2.5 billion euro loan scheduled...
World Economic Forum 2015: Several challenges

World Economic Forum 2015: Several challenges

(VOVworld) – The 45th World Economic Forum will take place in Davos, Switzerland, from January 21 to 24. Themed “New Global Context”, the forum will seek new approaches to ensure sustainable...
Ambitious target of G20 communiqué

Ambitious target of G20 communiqué

(VOVworld) – A communiqué released at the G20 Summit in Australia of the world's 20 advanced and emerging economies set an ambitious target to lift the G20's GDP by...
2013: Instability and hot spots remain

2013: Instability and hot spots remain

(VOVworld)- Contrary to optimistic signs of the global economy, the world witnessed several political fluctuations last year. Continuous global security challenges are worrying the public about the possibility of resolving...
EESC discusses recovery of European economy

EESC discusses recovery of European economy

(VOVworld) – The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) held a forum on December 10thand 11th on the impacts of the austerity policy on the European economy in Brussels
World community welcomes US debt ceiling increase

World community welcomes US debt ceiling increase

(VOVworld) – The world community reacted positively to news that the US Congress on Thursday approved a budget bill to reopen closed government agencies and extend the borrowing authority of the...
US government shutdown enters second week

US government shutdown enters second week

(VOVworld) - Washington is no closer to ending the federal government shutdown, which entered its second week Monday, as Democrats remain unmoved by refocused GOP efforts to reach a broader budget...
Gloomy European economy

Gloomy European economy

(VOVworld)- A conference opened in London on Thursday to discuss the future of Europe in the global economy. As the public debt crisis enters its third year and Europe continues to suffer...
IMF agrees to its part of Cyprus’ bailout

IMF agrees to its part of Cyprus’ bailout

IMF managing director Christine Lagarde said Wednesday the IMF will contribute 891 million euros to a financial rescue package for Cyprus of 10 billion euros (12.8 billion USD)