South Africa:  ANC presents its election manifesto

South Africa: ANC presents its election manifesto

(VOVworld) – South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress, announced its election manifesto on Saturday, highlighting priorities to build a strong economy, reduce unemployment rate, and eliminate poverty and...
Vietnam attends third AFC in South Africa

Vietnam attends third AFC in South Africa

(VOVworld) - A Vietnamese delegation led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh attended the third global conference on Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security and Climate Change (AFC)...
Vietnam joins 68th UN discussion session

Vietnam joins 68th UN discussion session

(VOVworld)- Ambassador Le Hoai Trung, Head of Vietnam's Permanent Representative Mission to the UN, said in the discussion session of the UN Council on Monday and Tuesday that in the context of...
EU summit on budget challenges

EU summit on budget challenges

(VOVworld) – 2013 EU summit is scheduled to take place in Brussels later this week focusing on the bloc’s budget for the 2014 to 2020 period, a source of sharp disagreement...

ASEAN Committee on Women plus 3 opens in Laos

(VNA)-The first ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Women, themed “Strengthening gender prospects and partnership among ASEAN women for a sustainable environment”, took place in Vientiane today/ on Friday. The fourth meeting of the ASEAN Committee...
Fresh breeze in French political arena

Fresh breeze in French political arena

(VOVworld) – The first cabinet meeting chaired by new French Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault took place on Thursday, May 17th. Nominated as Prime Minister right after President Francois Hollande took office, Ayrault...
Hanoi hosts conference on gender equality programme

Hanoi hosts conference on gender equality programme

(VOV/VOVworld)- The Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs has launched a five year national program on gender equality to increase social awareness and behavior in the field. Deputy Minister of...
Battle for Elysée Palace promises to be dramatic

Battle for Elysée Palace promises to be dramatic

(VOVworld) - France’s presidential election is entering its final phase. The latest poll indicates that the race to the Elysée is still undecided and the election will most likely require two...