Russia calls for dialogue with EU

Russia calls for dialogue with EU

(VOVworld)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized NATO Tuesday for its increasing military activities near Russian borders and called for resolving disputes through dialogue
Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

(VOVworld) – While Russia and the West seek a solution to the Ukrainian crisis, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has called for the creation of an EU army, igniting...
Russia, NATO fail to narrow differences

Russia, NATO fail to narrow differences

(VOVworld) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday held talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference
NATO to promote military cooperation

NATO to promote military cooperation

(VOVworld) - The NATO defense Chiefs discussed the readiness action plan and the future of the “Resolute Support” mission in Afghanistan during the just concluded 2-day meeting in Brussels
Germany opposes to freezing NATO-Russia cooperation

Germany opposes to freezing NATO-Russia cooperation

(VOVworld) – Russia–NATO cooperation should not be frozen, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a press briefing in Berlin on Wednesday after talks with visiting NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg
NATO performs "Resolute Support" in Afghanistan

NATO performs "Resolute Support" in Afghanistan

(VOVworld) - The NATO will perform its new mission in Afghanistan called “Resolute Support” under which 12,500 troops will provide training, consultation, and assistance for Afghan forces