Palestine and Israel miss a chance for peace

Palestine and Israel miss a chance for peace

(VOVworld)- Launched 8 months ago and backed by the US, the Middle East peace initiative of US Secretary of State John Kerry failed to meet its deadline. Instead of reaching a framework agreement on...
Israel suspends peace talks with Palestine

Israel suspends peace talks with Palestine

(VOVworld) – Israel has announced its suspension of peace talks with Palestine and economic sanctions against Palestine which has limited autonomy on the West Bank occupied by Israel
Middle East peace talks at a standstill

Middle East peace talks at a standstill

(VOVworld) – Palestinian negotiators have refused to extend peace talks beyond April 29th unless Israel releases the rest of its Palestinian prisoners and stops its construction of Jewish settlements on Palestine...
US tries to save Middle East peace talks

US tries to save Middle East peace talks

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday unexpectedly postponed his Italy visit to fly to the Middle East, in a bid to salvage foundering peace talks between Israel...
Palestine: Peace talks in trouble

Palestine: Peace talks in trouble

(VOVworld)- Mohammed Shtayyeh, a senior advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned that peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine will not meet the deadline of a joint framework agreement by...
Geneva II faces deadlock

Geneva II faces deadlock

(VOVworld) – The second round of Syrian peace talks, known as the Geneva II conference, was deadlocked as the Syrian government and the opposition accused each other of violating the ceasefire
US: Iran could help with Syrian conflicts

US: Iran could help with Syrian conflicts

(VOVworld) – Iran could still play a helpful role in finding a solution to the conflict in Syria even on the sidelines of peace talks in Geneva scheduled for January 22nd