Novel “Hung Dong” by Nguyen The Ky debuted

Novel “Hung Dong” by Nguyen The Ky debuted

(VOVWORLD) - The novel "Hung Dong" (Dawn) of author Nguyen The Ky, President of the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), was debuted on Wednesday in Hanoi by the Literature Publishing House, VOV’s Department...
Revolutionary morality upheld

Revolutionary morality upheld

(VOVWORLD) - Chairing a meeting of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption last Wednesday, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong said the disciplining of hundreds of high-ranking officials...
For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

(VOVWORLD) - When Honduras ratified the UN Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) last week, the Treaty reached the required 50 ratifications to enter into force in the next 90...
13th National Party Congress strengthens internal unity

13th National Party Congress strengthens internal unity

(VOVWORLD) - In a recent article titled “Making preparations for and successfully organizing the 13th National Party Congress to bring the country into a new development period”, Party General Secretary and President...
Vietnam calls for nuclear disarmament

Vietnam calls for nuclear disarmament

(VOVWORLD) - Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, Head of the Vietnam Permanent Mission to the UN, has affirmed that a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing is an important step towards nuclear disarmament
Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen cooperation

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam wants to tighten cooperation with Cambodia in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said at a reception in Hanoi on Saturday...
The Party renews anti-corruption effort

The Party renews anti-corruption effort

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting corruption is an important issue in every country. Over the past 90 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam has paid close attention to Party building, rectification, and fighting corruption...