Revised Land Law ensures people’s housing demand

Revised Land Law ensures people’s housing demand

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s Committee for Legal Affairs met to review the draft revised Land Law on Thursday. Many deputies said the law should specify housing policies including conditions for...
Bringing the revised Land Law to life

Bringing the revised Land Law to life

(VOVworld) – The General Department of Land Administration under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will focus on building documents to guide the implementation of the revised Land Law. The...
Highlights of Vietnam National Assembly in 2013

Highlights of Vietnam National Assembly in 2013

(VOVworld)- Vietnam’s National Assembly in 2013 have carried out activities influencing Vietnam’s political life and creating prerequisites for the legislative body to improve its function
Revised land law addresses emerging issues

Revised land law addresses emerging issues

(VOVworld) – The revised Land Law, which was approved at the 6th session of the 13th National Assembly, consists of many changes to deal with land- related issues such as land...
Voters praise the revised Land Law

Voters praise the revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – The revised Land Law, which consists of 14 chapters and 212 articles, was approved by the National Assembly on Friday morning with 89.96% of votes in favor. Positive...
National Assembly discusses revised Land Law

National Assembly discusses revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – Law makers on Friday debated whether people’s involvement in land use and management should be enhanced. These were their final discussions on the revised Land Law before it is...
Effectively utilizing land resource

Effectively utilizing land resource

(VOVworld)- Deputies to the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly spent a whole day on Monday discussing the revised Land Law before ratifying it. The draft revisions aim to...
National Assembly discuss revised Land Law

National Assembly discuss revised Land Law

(VOVworld) – The 13th National Assembly deputies on Monday continued to discuss the revised Land Law during its on-going 5th session. The revised Land Law has caught special attention from...