Vietnam Family Day 2016

Vietnam Family Day 2016

(VOVworld) – The 15th Vietnam Family Day on June 28th will take place at Van Ho Exhibition Center in Hanoi this Saturday
US President urges congress to approve TPP

US President urges congress to approve TPP

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama said on Monday that China’s pushing for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP demonstrated the urgent need for Congress to approve the 12...
Vietnam, Laos boost comprehensive cooperation

Vietnam, Laos boost comprehensive cooperation

(VOVworld)- The General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party and President of Laos Bounnhang Volachith begins an official 3-day visit to Vietnam on Monday. The visit is...
Seeking solutions to the migrant crisis

Seeking solutions to the migrant crisis

(VOVworld) – In 2015, the world saw a record number of people fleeing their countries because of political instability, war, and poverty. Emergency meetings were convened and solutions were put forward, but...
World leaders read 2016 New Year addresses

World leaders read 2016 New Year addresses

(VOVworld) – German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Germans not to be divided and be united to reject anti-foreigner sentiment. In her New Year address on Thursday, Ms. Angela Merkel...
World oil prices continue to drop

World oil prices continue to drop

(VOVworld) – Prices of crude oil in the US and other markets continued to decrease to the lowest level in 4 months despite a large fall in US crude inventories
Vietnam Summer Camp opens in Hanoi

Vietnam Summer Camp opens in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – More than 160 young Vietnamese expatriates living in 21 countries worldwide gathered at the opening ceremony of the 2015 Vietnam Summer Camp in Hanoi on Thursday
Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

Grave leaving ceremony of the Raglai

(VOVworld) – Raglai people believe that there is a world for the living and another for the dead and only the world of the deceased is eternal. With such a belief,...