German and Turkish ministers meet amid tensions

German and Turkish ministers meet amid tensions

(VOvworld) – German Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and his Turkish counterpart Sigmar Gabriel talked by telephone and agreed to meet in Germany on March 8, the state-run Anadolu news agency...
US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

(VOVworld) – US Vice President Mike Pence has just toured Europe to assuage concerns over President Donald Trump’s recent comments. During the tour, Pence made it clear that Europe remains...
Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

(VOVworld)- At the end of the trading session on Wednesday, the US securities market soared with financial, health care and industrial stocks rising sharply reflecting investors’ hope that President-elect Donald Trump...
Wine - the pride of the French

Wine - the pride of the French

(VOVworld) - France produces 7 to 8 billion bottles of wine per year, which amounts to 20% of the world’s production. Wine is part of French culture, where buying...
Vietnam, UK hold 5th strategic dialogue

Vietnam, UK hold 5th strategic dialogue

(VOVworld)- Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and Minister of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire co-chaired the fifth Vietnam-UK Strategic Dialogue in London...