NA approves new Minister of Public Security

NA approves new Minister of Public Security

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly passed a resolution approving the appointment of Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Luong Tam Quang to the position of Minister of Public Security...
Vietnam, US boost aviation security cooperation

Vietnam, US boost aviation security cooperation

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Minister of Public Security Sen. Lieut. Gen Luong Tam Quang hosted a reception for Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration at the US Department of Homeland Security David...
India holds historic election

India holds historic election

(VOVWORLD) -India on Tuesday began to count six weeks worth of general election votes. The world's largest, most complex election will determine India’s response to its current economic...
NA begins Q&A session today

NA begins Q&A session today

(VOVWORLD) - The National Assembly begins the two-and-a-half-day question-and-answer session on Tuesday, focusing on four groups of issues of natural resources and environment, industry and trade, auditing...
One million Palestinians displaced from Rafah

One million Palestinians displaced from Rafah

(VOVWORLD) -More than 1 million Palestinians have been displaced from the Gazan city of Rafah as the Israeli army continues operations in the area to dismantle Hamas’ infrastructure, the United Nations Palestinian...
Hezbollah attacks Israeli army targets

Hezbollah attacks Israeli army targets

(VOVWORLD) - Hezbollah in Lebanon on Saturday affirmed that they used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) containing explosives to attack a number of Israeli army positions. The airstrike was in response to a UAV...