Afghanistan’s security is worsening

Afghanistan’s security is worsening

(VOVworld) - President Barack Obama's nominee to be the next U.S. commander in Afghanistan said on Thursday the security situation in the war-torn country was deteriorating and assured...
More signs of tension in the Middle East

More signs of tension in the Middle East

(VOVworld) – Saudi Arabia’s mass execution of 47 people, including Shiite religious leader Nimr al-Nimr, on terrorism charges is facing strong international criticism and has ignited a wave of protests among...
The UN calls for 166 million USD fund for Libya

The UN calls for 166 million USD fund for Libya

(VOVworld) - The United Nations called on the international community Wednesday to provide 165.6 million USD in aid to Libya, where nearly half of the population has been affected by violence. Ali al-Zaatari...
Disturbance in northeast Asia

Disturbance in northeast Asia

(VOVworld) – The Japanese government has made pubic its 2015 defense white paper discussing covering its concerns over a worsening security situation outside Japan. The paper directly mentions the building of artificial islands in...
The UN different in the ceasefire in Yemen

The UN different in the ceasefire in Yemen

(VOVworld) - The UN Security Council failed Friday to back a Russian appeal for an immediate ceasefire or humanitarian pauses in war-torn Yemen, where critical fuel shortages threatened relief efforts...
Behind Yemen’s civil war

Behind Yemen’s civil war

(VOVworld) – Yemen’s civil war has become a central issue in the Arab world since Saudi Arabia and its allies made a direct military intervention into Yemen. The worsening situation...
Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

Escalating tension in Russia-EU relations

(VOVworld) – While Russia and the West seek a solution to the Ukrainian crisis, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has called for the creation of an EU army, igniting...
Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

Challenges in US- Venezuela relations

(VOVworld)- Diplomatic tension has grown between the US and Venezuela since Venezuela demanded the US cut its embassy staff in Caracas 80% within 15 days. The demand has undermined the...
What outcomes from the Ukraine peace talks?

What outcomes from the Ukraine peace talks?

(VOVworld) - Leaders of France, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine gathered on Wednesday in Minsk, Belarus for talks on ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine. There has been no final word yet on...
Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

Ukraine declares high alert nationwide

(VOVworld) – The Ukrainian government on Monday decided to impose a state of emergency across the country due to escalating tensions in eastern provinces of Lugansk and Donetsk