US surveillance planes fly over Syria

US surveillance planes fly over Syria

(VOVworld) - The US has begun surveillance flights over Syria. The move could pave the way for air strikes against the self-declared Islamic State, whose fighters are spreading out in...
NATO approves post-2014 operation in Afghanistan

NATO approves post-2014 operation in Afghanistan

(VOVworld) – A NATO operation, dubbed “Resolute support”, involving 12,000 personnel, has been approved to continue training, consulting, and supporting Afghanistan’s security forces over the next 2 years
Afghanistan’s presidential run-off is likely

Afghanistan’s presidential run-off is likely

(VOVworld) - Afghanistan’s presidential election may face a run-off, as the latest tally of ballots showed none of the two leading candidates securing an outright majority, said the Independent Election Commission...
Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

(VOVworld) – Afghan people will cast their ballots in a presidential election late this week with a hope that a new government can resolve instability, corruption, poor management, and the impasse in...
Afghan President Karzai not to sign BSA

Afghan President Karzai not to sign BSA

(VOVworld) - In his final address to parliament on Saturday, outgoing president Hamid Karzai says Afghan forces are capable of defending country on their own, showing his tough attitude towards US...
US senators urge Afghanistan to sign BSA

US senators urge Afghanistan to sign BSA

(VOVworld) – Three US senators have urged Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) relating to the presence of US troops in Afghanistan after NATO ends its...
 US-Afghanistan security pact to be signed next year

US-Afghanistan security pact to be signed next year

(VOVworld)- The US government showed signs of concession Wednesday, saying that the deadline for the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) on maintaining a US military presence in Afghanistan will be January, 2014...
US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

US Secretary of Defense visits Pakistan

(VOVworld)- US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced that he will travel to Pakistan on Monday for talks on bilateral relations and regional security issues including Afghanistan