Fragile ceasefire agreement in Middle East

Fragile ceasefire agreement in Middle East

(VOVworld) - A ceasefire between the Israeli government and the Islamist Hamas movement that runs the Gaza Strip has taken effect since 19 GMT on Thursday. After a series of international diplomatic efforts,...
 Wednesday November 21, 2012

Wednesday November 21, 2012

To begin this week’s Letter Box, I would like to say Hello to Omar Alfredo Robayo, a new listener of VOV. Welcome you to our worldwide Dx’ing community
Japanese political upheaval

Japanese political upheaval

(VOVworld) – The Japanese political scene is experiencing new challenges. In face of the economic slowdown, and unceasing territorial tension, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s decision to dissolve parliament on November 16 at...
Opinions on education and training reform

Opinions on education and training reform

(VOV) – A major topic at the just-concluded sixth plenum of the Party Central Committee was fundamental and comprehensive reform of the country’s education and training sector. Why do we need reform? Does...
Vietnam pursues education reform

Vietnam pursues education reform

(VOVworld) - One of the main topics of the on-going 6th session of the 11th Party Central Committee is promoting education and training. Accordingly, goals, tasks, and policies will be studied and...
NA Standing Committee discusses two draft laws

NA Standing Committee discusses two draft laws

(VOVworld) - On Wednesday, the National Assembly’s Standing Committee discussed differences to the revised laws on tax management and the national reserves agreeing with the report from the National...
Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistan suspends NATO supply route for security reasons

Pakistani officials said Thursday that Pakistan has temporarily suspended the NATO supply route crossing its northwestern border into Afghanistan due to fears of Islamist attacks. An official said the NATO trucks have been held...
Violence continues in Syria

Violence continues in Syria

The 90-day duration for the United Nations Supervision Mission in Syria or UNSMIS has expired by mid-day Saturday according to the Vietnamese time
July 18 2012

July 18 2012

This week, we would like to begin with a letter from Rumen Pankov of Bulgaria, who has two questions for us. The first question is: with how many countries has Vietnam established...
Supervisory policy on land for ethnic people

Supervisory policy on land for ethnic people

(VOVworld) - A supervisory delegation from the National Assembly’s Standing Committee held a meeting in Hanoi on Monday to listen to reports on the outcomes of new policies on land...