Kosovo cuts water supply over ISIL poison plot

Kosovo cuts water supply over ISIL poison plot

(VOVworld) – Authorities in Kosovo have turned off water supply in Pristina following the arrest of five suspects linked to the Islamic State over an alleged plot to poison a reservoir
Kosovo cuts water supply over ISIL poison plot

Kosovo cuts water supply over ISIL poison plot

(VOVworld) – Authorities in Kosovo have turned off water supply in Pristina following the arrest of five suspects linked to the Islamic State over an alleged plot to poison a reservoir
Vietnam works to protect religious freedom

Vietnam works to protect religious freedom

(VOVworld) - Heiner Beilefeldt, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief, presented to the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council the main findings of his visit to Vietnam from July...
Party leader meets revolutionary soldiers

Party leader meets revolutionary soldiers

(VOVworld)- The Secretariat of the Party’s Central Committee held a meeting in Hanoi on Wednesday with 300 Party members who were members of the Party Committees in enemy prisons...
Increasing supervision in criminal proceedings

Increasing supervision in criminal proceedings

(VOVworld) – Member of the Party Politburo and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan led a delegation to inspect law enforcement in detention and criminal proceedings in Phu...
Forever remains the triumphant smile

Forever remains the triumphant smile

(VOVworld) - The smile of student Vo Thi Thang at a court of the Republic of Vietnam 46 years ago has become a symbol of revolutionary optimism. A Japanese photographer snapped her moment and...
Afghanistan insists on releasing prisoners

Afghanistan insists on releasing prisoners

(VOVworld) – The Afghan government has reiterated that most of the inmates held in Bagram prison are innocent. The statement released from the Afghan presidential palace on Saturday is in response to...