Preserving Khmer Robam Dance

Preserving Khmer Robam Dance

(VOVworld)- Robam dance is a genre of Khmer traditional theatre. To preserve and promote this folk art, the Ba Sac Bung Chong Dance Troupe in Tai Van commune, Tran De district,...
Hanoi Drama Theater

Hanoi Drama Theater

VOVworld)- Over the past 55 years, the Hanoi Drama Theater has produced 100 plays including short plays, comedies, and folk plays. But plays about political and social issues are the...
Stage art comes closer to audience

Stage art comes closer to audience

(VOVworld)- Performing theatre in cafes is becoming more popular in Ho Chi Minh City. This trend has already inspired a large audience to draw closer to stage art and artists
The Khmer ‘Dù kê’ musical theatre

The Khmer ‘Dù kê’ musical theatre

(VOVworld) - ‘Dù kê’ is a style of musical theater created by Khmer people in southern Vietnam in the early 19th century, reflecting a cultural interaction of different ethnic communities...
Hanoi Cheo theater

Hanoi Cheo theater

(VOVworld)- Hanoi is the cradle of several genres of traditional arts including Cheo or traditional opera. The Hanoi Cheo Theater has, over the years, played an important role in preserving and...