Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

Stamp collection on Paris Peace Accords issued

(VOVWORLD) -A postage stamp collection on the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords) was released on January 27th, coinciding the date on...
East Sea issue highlighted at conference in Germany

East Sea issue highlighted at conference in Germany

(VOVWORLD) - The Asia-Africa Institute at the University of Hamburg, Germany, on Friday hosted a hybrid conference in which international experts and researchers discussed the political and security situation in the Indo-Pacific region...
Vietnam, Cambodia issue joint statement

Vietnam, Cambodia issue joint statement

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam and Cambodia have issued a joint statement following Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to Cambodia on Tuesday and Wednesday
US,  France, UK issue joint statement on Ukraine

US, France, UK issue joint statement on Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - The United States, France and the United Kingdom issued a joint statement on Sunday, expressing their determination to continue supporting Ukraine with security, economic and humanitarian assistance