Family customs of the San Chi

Family customs of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi of Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province, have strict family rules and hierarchy. Family members love and respect each other without discrimination of daughters- or sons...
Coping with climate change

Coping with climate change

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung arrived in Paris, France for the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21). Vietnam’s participation demonstrates...
Typical marriage ritual of the San Chi

Typical marriage ritual of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi in Bac Giang province still practice their traditional marriage rituals. Lan Anh tells you all about the San Chi marriage culture
President attends APEC CEO Summit

President attends APEC CEO Summit

(VOVworld) – The APEC CEO Summit opened in Manila on Tuesday with representatives from 1,200 leading businesses in Asia Pacific attending. President Truong Tan Sang was the only invited state leader to attend and...
Vietnam joins Egyptian Bazaar

Vietnam joins Egyptian Bazaar

(VOVworld) – Vietnam joined 21 other countries at the Asian Food and Crafts Bazaar, which was held by the Asian Diplomats' Spouses Association (ADSA) in Cairo on Saturday