283 products named Vietnam National Brands

283 products named Vietnam National Brands

(VOVWORLD) - 283 products from 124 companies were honored on Wednesday as Vietnam National Brands for 2020. This certification of their high quality and mastery of technology will elevate their prestige...
EU, UK pledge funds to help Afghanistan

EU, UK pledge funds to help Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - The EU pledged on Tuesday to maintain its commitment of 1.2 billion euros to Afghanistan at a donor conference in Geneva, according to Jutta Urpilainen, the European Commissioner...
COVID-19 update worldwide

COVID-19 update worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - According to worldometers.info, as of Monday morning, there had been 50.7 million COVID-19 infections worldwide and more than 1.2 million have died from the disease
COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide

COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - According to worldometers.info, as of Saturday morning, there have been more than 49.6 million COVID-19 infections and 1.2 million have died globally
47.3 million COVID-19 cases globally

47.3 million COVID-19 cases globally

(VOVWORLD) - 47.3 million people have been infected with the novel coronavirus, which has claimed 1.2 million lives worldwide, according to worldometers.info
National Book Awards 2020 in spotlight

National Book Awards 2020 in spotlight

(VOVWORLD) - 27 prizes were given at the 2020 National Book Awards held at the Voice of Vietnam in Hanoi earlier this month. The annual awards honor writers, translators, scientists and...