Returning to legendary Au Lau wharf

Returning to legendary Au Lau wharf

(VOVworld)- Located in Yen Bai city, 200 km northwest of Hanoi, the Au Lau wharf is one of the most famous historical relics associated with the Dien Bien Phu victory....
New Year Press Review

New Year Press Review

(VOVworld) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong sent a New Year’s message to the Vietnamese people expressing his hope that the Party, people and the army would unite to enhance national...
Lu Van Hinh, an outstanding Thai ethnic soldier

Lu Van Hinh, an outstanding Thai ethnic soldier

(VOVworld) – Lieutenant Lu Van Hinh, a scout with Dien Bien province’s border guard was killed during a mission to break up a drug trafficking ring. Acknowledging his courageous sacrifice,...
The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

The world praises General Vo Nguyen Giap

(VOVworld) – General Vo Nguyen Giap, a talented general of Vietnam, is also a world renowned general and respected by his adversaries. Many foreign scholars have appreciated his outstanding military capacity...
Brave young man honored posthumously

Brave young man honored posthumously

(VOVworld) - Authorized by the President, Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang visited the family of Tran Huu Hiep on Sunday and awarded the President’s Order of Bravery and a...
Visiting little houses on Truong Sa

Visiting little houses on Truong Sa

(VOVworld) – VOV5 reporter continues the exploration of the Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelago today and takes you on a tour to discover its submerged islands and the lives of local people...
People’s police force honored

People’s police force honored

(VOVworld)-President Truong Tan Sang today/ on Tuesday attended a meeting marking 65 years since the people’s police studied and implemented Uncle Ho’s six teachings and 65 years since President...
Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

Hero Pham Tuan shot down B52 Stratofortress

(VOVworld) – In the history of the Vietnamese Air Force, heroic pilot Pham Tuan grabbed two records by shooting down an American B52 bomber in 1972 and becoming the 1st Asian cosmonaut to...