Vietnam encouraged to make best of FTAs

Vietnam encouraged to make best of FTAs

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam should make full use of free trade agreements: CPTPP, EVFTA, and agreements between ASEAN and its partners, said Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh at...
Canada hails Vietnam’s success in coronavirus fight

Canada hails Vietnam’s success in coronavirus fight

(VOVWORLD) - Canadian Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne congratulated Vietnam on its successes containing the novel coronavirus during a phone conversation on Thursday with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham...
Japanese foreign minister to visit Vietnam

Japanese foreign minister to visit Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi will visit Vietnam next week as part of his trip to Southeast Asia, whose stops will also include Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia
Japan, Russia agree to promote Far East development

Japan, Russia agree to promote Far East development

(VOVWORLD) - Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi and Russian Economic Development Minister Maksim Oreshkin agreed on Wednesday that the two countries will work to promote the development of Russia's Far...
EU says it's hard to see Brexit solution

EU says it's hard to see Brexit solution

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said he still ‘can’t see’ a deal over Brexit happening, as the Irish border issue remains unresolved
Vietnam sees Japan as a top long-term partner

Vietnam sees Japan as a top long-term partner

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh has met with Japanese government and parliament officials on the sidelines of the 25th International Conference on the Future of...