France to sell Egypt two warships

France to sell Egypt two warships

(VOVworld) – Egypt has agreed to purchase two French Mistral-class helicopter carriers that were previously contracted to go to Russia for 1.3 billion USD, a deal that was suspended...
Religions exist harmoniously in Vietnam

Religions exist harmoniously in Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong hosted a reception for a US delegation led by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the...
Efforts to resolve Greek crisis

Efforts to resolve Greek crisis

(VOVworld) – The result of Greece’s referendum has created a problem for EU leaders. They now have to find a way to prevent Greece’s leaving the eurozone and perhaps...
US calls on Greece, EU to compromise

US calls on Greece, EU to compromise

(VOVworld) - The White House urged Greece and EU leaders on Monday to find a compromise to keep Greece in the eurozone, after Greeks voted resoundingly to reject the austerity-based bailout....