Iran warns of  ISIS presence in Afghanistan

Iran warns of ISIS presence in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - Middle East media on Wednesday quoted Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, as saying that the Islamic State (ISIS) is moving to Afghanistan
UK warns of terrorist attack threats in Europe

UK warns of terrorist attack threats in Europe

(VOVWORLD) - British security minister Ben Wallace on Sunday warned that terrorist group Al-Qaeda was in a resurgent mode and may be plotting major terrorist attacks on airports and airliners...
US releases new counterterrorism strategy

US releases new counterterrorism strategy

(VOVWORLD) - The US on Thursday released a new counterterrorism strategy which describes radical Islamist terrorist groups as the pre-eminent terrorist threat to the US and to US interests abroad
ISIS to set up stronghold in Central Asia

ISIS to set up stronghold in Central Asia

(VOVWORLD) - The Islamic State (ISIS) is trying to create a stronghold in Central Asia and to activate Islamist sleeper cells in the region, Andrey Novikov, the head of the Commonwealth of Independent States...
Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

Russia, Turkey to discuss Syria

(VOVWORLD) - The Kremlin said in a statement Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss Syrian issues with Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Sochi, Russia on Monday
ISIS seeks alternative sources of finance

ISIS seeks alternative sources of finance

(VOVWORLD) - The Islamic State (ISIS) is seeking alternative sources of finance, after its revenue from the sale of oil and collection of taxes from the population in Syria and Iraq shrunk...
Iran, Iraq increase defense cooperation

Iran, Iraq increase defense cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy chief of staff of the Armed Forces of Iran Qadir Nezamipour on Sunday discussed with Iraqi Defense Minister Mahmoud Al-Hayali the defense cooperation between the two countries
US wants Pakistan to be tougher on terrorism

US wants Pakistan to be tougher on terrorism

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has raised the importance of Pakistan taking "decisive action" against all terrorists operating in Pakistan and its vital role in promoting the Afghan...
US-Turkey strained relations

US-Turkey strained relations

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday that Turkey is planning to use its Lira currency instead of USD in commercial transactions with its major trading partners, including Russia, China,...