8th European Food Festival in Hanoi

8th European Food Festival in Hanoi

(VOV) – The European Chamber of Commerce (EuroCham) will combine the best of European Food and Culture with its landmark 15th anniversary celebrations to present the 8th European Food Festival in...
Party leader visits Binh Phuoc province

Party leader visits Binh Phuoc province

(VOVworld) – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong yesterday paid a working visit to the southern province of Binh Phuoc to inspect the implementation of resolutions adopted at the 11th National...
 06 March 2013

06 March 2013

This week, we’ll begin with a letter from Daniel Toth, a 24-year-old student of economics from Slovakia who is studying at the University of Edinburgh. Though he only began...
Visiting Da Lat

Visiting Da Lat

(VOVworld)- “ A misty city”, “A city of pine forest”, “A flowery city” , “A City of cheery blossoms”, and “A Paris miniature” are popular names that have been given to the central...
Young people’s aspirations for the new year

Young people’s aspirations for the new year

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese people no matter where they are usually review the past year’s experience and draw up plans for the new year. Youngsters have plenty of hopes and expectations...
12 zodiac animals

12 zodiac animals

(VOVworld) - 12 zodiac animals symbolize the changes of the heaven and earth and bring calmness to people’s minds whenever spring comes. The 12 zodiac pictures reflect good wishes, good luck, hope, and...